FREE photos




✅ Photo sharing     ✅ Bid Day     ✅ Composites


Play this for your presidents


Your chapters get free stuff

FREE photo sharing

Still using photo circle? Using Lumatic unlocks better sharing for your entire community.

Your chapters unlock this when they claim their free Lumatic account.

FREE composite savings

Thanks to Lumatic’s NPC partnership, all your chapters get 20% off their first composite.

Your chapters unlock this using discount code “NPC20” when activating their photo package.

FREE bid day photos

Capture every bid day moment with pro photographers at all your chapters.

Your chapters unlock this once a majority of them has activated a Lumatic photo package.

Start today!

STEP 1 – At your all-president’s meeting, play Lumatic’s promo video:

STEP 2 – When your chapters claim their Lumatic account, they’ll get free photo sharing.

Plus, they’ll get 20% off their first composite with discount code “NPC20”

STEP 3 – Once at least half your chapters use Lumatic for composites, they’ll each get 1 event photographer hour for free!